Thursday, March 22, 2012

ellen about bullying.

I just watched a clip from today's show of Ellen. She had on two parents, whose child killed himself because of being bullied. He had aspergers. It's a less intense form of autism and basically means these kids are socially awkward but are intellectually smart. My cousin has aspergers too. She is so smart but she gets uncomfortable with people she doesn't know. I just want to hug all these kids who are being bullied.

High school is said to be the best years of your life. But for some people they are the worst. If you're not pretty, "normal," and everything else people expect you to be then you are picked on. And now it's starting even younger. These kids have bright futures ahead of them. They have a destinty to be something beautiful and wonderful in the world. And these kids feel so alone. It breaks my heart.

It does get better. One day, you're going to be far away from that high school and all those bullies. And your life is going to be great. And suicide is never the answer. never. There are people who love you so very much.

High school was terrible. I hated it. I never thought of suicide but there were days I'd come home, crying. I would just lay in bed and cry. And I couldn't even picture graduating and getting away from all the people who would say nasty things to me. But that is behind me. Now I am in love with my life, the people in my life. I had people who loved me, who inspired me and they made me realize that everything was going to be okay.

And with social media now, bullying is even more accessible. People I no longer speak with still say mean things about me. I'd be lying if I said it didn't hurt, it does. People don't like me because of who I am and that's okay. But I know I'm much better than all the mean things people say.

I just want to hug all those kids who are made fun of because they're not what society expects them to be. They are perfect and special and that is all that matters.