Sunday, November 24, 2013


It's funny...sometimes it takes other people to show us just how special we truly are. This weekend, I traveled to Chicago to see Port Chuck. I was actually supposed to see them in Cincy too but they had to cancel that show because their bus broke down. I continue to follow them because of Scott. They were in Boston last weekend but I didn't go because I'm not a fan of the venue and I was seeing Rick Hearst (ex-Ric, GH) that night. 

Scott knows me from his various personal appearances, my support for his daughter Emily and the music she's doing. 

When Scott was singing on stage, he pointed right for my camera. And when he made his way over to my table, he gave me the biggest hug imaginable. He is such an inspiration especially in regards to his faith but he is just a beautiful human being. 

At our table, I had someone take my picture with him with my camera. I then asked him if we could take a picture with my cellphone and he takes my phone and does three selfies. Like what is my life. He is just a beautiful human being and I am so proud to know him. 

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Frustrated but Keeping Positive

When your worries won't let you sleep and rob you of your days. And you've looked in all directions but still can't find your way. -Shine the Light, Sugarland I would like to say that I'm an overly positive person. I could be upset and have so much going on with me but on the outside, I'm smiling and bubbly. And even when I'm upset, most people can't tell. And even I don't like you, I'm always nice. I don't believe in being rude to people. I just don't have it in me. Work has been stressing me out so much lately. I work 40 hours plus going to school full time. And I work with people who are in their mid to early 30's. I am the youngest yet I act mature then all of them. One girl, she's 25 and acts 15. I have to work with her on weekends and usually I just put up with her but now she just makes me so mad. On Monday, I'm dropping off my two weeks notice because I am just SO frustrated. I work harder than everyone else yet everyone wants to complain about their "bad" schedules. I am praying to God for patience tomorrow. I am the bigger person. I am the bigger person. I just have to remind myself of that. I'm going to Chicago two weeks from Friday and three weeks from Friday I'm going to Nashville. Tomorrow will be better.