Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Good for you and also I don't care

In the last few weeks, I've had quite a bit said to me. Some of it has been so beautiful that it touched my soul in such gratifying ways, that I could never articulate through this blog. But other things that have been said have hurt me. Mainly because the things that were said to me were completely off base. And I've tried to remind myself that what that person said to me is more a reflection of their character and not mine. But another part of me is just mind blown that this person thought it was okay to utter such words to another human being and two that I ever wasted any time on this person, who once I believed to be a good person.

I've been lucky to meet so many amazing people the last few years. But there's one I will always be thankful to have met. Alex Alexander. Comedic genius, sweetest gal ever and she is totally the one that everyone wants to be friends with.

I stumbled across one of her essays earlier tonight and it was so fitting, given the bullshit that's been said to me lately. But also it was a great reminder of all the amazing things that have been said to be in the last month. And the most important part isn't that those words were uttered, but more importantly that those words were meant.

So for the good part from my funny girl Alex Alexander! "When someone has something nice to say in a way that makes me believe it, it's the best and my favoritest gift ever."

This has been so true for me lately. This amazing person in my life has told me things that I would never see myself as and the really amazing part is that it's genuine.

Now the not so good part. But it is good in a way because I refuse to let some *insert expletive* offbase opinion bother me.

"Other people can think whatever they want, and say whatever they want, to whomever they want, about me. Those people who are going to like me are going to do that no matter what someone else says."

It was just totally fitting. And completely put things into perspective.