Saturday, October 25, 2014

Happiness and a random thought or two.

Usually I have a cute/witty title to put here but nothing is coming to me at the moment so there's that. Anyway, this will be a touch of sappy/happy and a touch of "ohmygosh I hate people." I'm kinda kidding about that.

Anyway, yesterday was such a great day. I thought Monday was the best day ever because I got to spend most of it with my very special boyfriend and we went to the zoo and I saw these beautiful elephants (which are my favorite) and also saw these red pandas and oh my gosh! They were all cute and fluffy and just so adorbs. But yesterday totally ties for the best day ever. I had my boyfriend with me and it was just so nice. It's always really nice to have him with me but yesterday was just incredibly nice. I'd post a picture we took but I look gross and he'd probably kill me if I put it up. :)

I like surprising people with cute stuff. Especially when they have no idea what it is. I did something kinda sorta cute today. And I can't wait to give it to my boyfriend the next time I see him even though I'm pretty sure he'll laugh and think it's the lamest ever. In that same regard, I've been looking at something else for a few days and so of course when I pulled it up tonight, it wouldn't go through. I'm like "why must the internet hate my existence?" I'm only kidding...well kinda. Anyone who knows me knows technology and I usually don't get along. But after some tries, a different option or two, it finally worked.

Now onto something less than stellar. To be honest, it's an annoyance really. I offered an olive branch to a former friend and I thought she'd take it but I wasn't holding my breath because of company she keeps, kind of person she has become and the list goes on. yet I'm made out to be the bad person. But that's okay. Sometimes my goodhearted nature isn't appreciated and that's obviously the case in this situation.

Because as I posted a blog or two ago, you have to just be in the moment of happiness. You can't worry about the happiness of next week or dwell on the happiness that used to be.


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